Make Time: How to Focus on What Matters Every Day by Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky

Updated November 21, 2021

Yo – I don’t really mean to yo you- Make Time is the best time management book I’ve ever read.

The best time management book ever written.

Bold Statement

I know, I know, saying this book is the best book about time ever written is definitely a bold statement. I will now share with you why I think this way.

First, it’s approach is very different from all other time management books like Getting Things Done for example.

Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky (JZ) have a unique writing style. Literally, they have pertinent illustrations and speech bubbles when they are offering their own personal insights. It’s not just boring blocks of text.

They conceptualize two modern time sucks in society today: Busy Bandwagon (the idea that in our society, busy=successful) and Infinity Pools (any content that allows you to consume endlessly; think: news, Facebook, Twitter, NetFlix.)

Make Time focuses on 87 pointers on how you can optimize every day. You don’t have to heed them all, and can choose ones that work for you. They even talk about eating right, exercising, and the best ways to drink coffee!

I also love how the authors give specific examples on how to use your own psychology to modify your behaviors or make new habits without using just willpower alone.

How Many Stars?

5 🙂

My Biggest Takeaway from Make Time:

A Personal, Specific Example

Snippet 31: Trading Fake Wins for Real Wins

I am so guilty of this. When you clean your room instead of going to the gym, that’s a fake win- your intention was to go to the gym and build muscle. Instead, you stayed at home and cleaned your room. Now, don’t get me wrong, cleaning your room is nice, and it makes you feel good, but it wasn’t the right intention. So, you feel good, but you didn’t actually accomplish what you wanted to. Another example of a fake win is clearing your inbox when you should be finishing up a project for work. Cleaning your inbox feels good, but it’s not the goal you set. These are what Knapp and Zeratsky call “fake wins”. The way to combat fake wins, is to get back in your laser focus mode: a mode they tell you how to get into to get the real work done. This is just one of hundreds (or at least 87 ;)) tips of time management wisdom.


Title: Make Time: How to Focus on What Matters Every Day
Authors: Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky
Publish Date: September 25, 2018
ISBN: 0525572422 | ISBN-13: 978-0525572428

Book | Audio | eBook

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