A game-changing book in the fight against cancer.
But read the first half of the book at your own risk!
Updated June 8th, 2023
A close family member of mine was recently diagnosed with cancer. So this book was definitely so personal to me. In fact, I’ve read and reviewed a couple books about cancer and am learning more about health and lifestyle and diet every single day.
The Story of Chris Wark
All you have to do is Google “Chris Beat Cancer“to find out Chris Wark’s story. He was diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer at age 26. He had surgery to remove his tumor and turned down taking chemotherapy, which his oncologists said was basically suicide. Over 16 years later he is alive and healthy!
His book goes through his cancer journey, a damning take on the cancer medicine industry, and what lifestyle and diet changes you as a cancer patient can do to heal. And if you don’t have cancer, it’s a good book to read on how to prevent it or decrease your risk.
This book was amazing- well, half of it anyway. It’s a controversial book, but I think some of the things in this book could potentially be lifesavers. What are those things?
“Amazing” Half of the book
- Diet
- Rebounding
- Exercise
- Environmental toxins
- Spiritual Healing
- Stress Relief
- Beating Cancer Mindset
- The Corruption in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Why are these amazing?
Because your doctor isn’t going to talk about them, so they supplement the care of your oncologist and medical team. The me, these parts are just as important as the medicines you take. In other words, I’d rely on your oncologist, and supplement with the gems in this book. You could also use this book to challenge your oncologist with questions and suggestions to help you beat cancer!
What is rebounding?
It’s jumping up and down on a mini-trampoline to exercise your lymphatic system. Tony Robbins does it before a lot of his speeches. I thought this was an excellent gem- I’ve never heard about it before!
The nutrition is the best part of the book. If I could give you one piece of advice, I’d say take everything else in this book with a grain of salt, but pay attention religiously to the nutrition tips in this book. Hint: Garlic, leeks, and onions are some of the best anti-cancer foods.
I’d pay attention to your medical team but really, the nutrition advice in this book may save your life as well! The nutrition section was worth every single penny of the book, and is something I and my family will take with us forever!
Giant-Cancer Fighting Salad
Here is an example of Chris’ Anti-Cancer salad.
Bad stuff- Quackery?
I’ll leave that up to you to decide if you read the book. Chris gets a lot of support online, but he gets a lot of flak, as well. I really respect him for putting himself out there are going against the grain. What courage he had to stick to his guns while everyone around him told him he was crazy and that he should do chemo! However, with that said, I get the impression that Chris is always against chemo. And I think that is dangerous. In some cases, people absolutely need chemo. So, the first half of the book is kind of terrifying in that regard. There is definitely corruption and incentives for big pharma to take advantage of sick people who don’t have a choice in their treatment plans, but at the risk of sounding like an annoying broken record, I’d recommend reading this book to supplement your traditional cancer plan laid out by your medical team. Cancer is very personal, so take what you think is right for you, and ignore the rest. Your life may just depend on it!
Everyone’s cancer journey is different, but if you or a loved one is battling for their life, I wholeheartedly recommend Chris Beat Cancer.
–>Buy it here <–
- Chris Wark’s website
- Chris Beat Cancer (aff link) (Non-aff link)
- Beat Cancer Daily (aff link) (Non-aff link)
- American Cancer Society
- Valter Longo on Cancer
- The Cancer Code Book Review
How Many Stars?
5 🙂
While some things in this book are controversial, you won’t get this angle of treatment from your doctors. Thanks to Chris, I’ve bought a rebounder, which I never even knew existed. The nutrition part is the most important part. I think what Chris reveals will be crucial information for your anti-cancer strategy, survival, and well-being.
Title: Chris Beat Cancer: A Comprehensive Plan for Healing Naturally
Author: Chris Wark
Publish Date: September 25, 2018
ISBN: 9781401956110 ISBN-13: 978-1401956110
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