Updated June 11th, 2023
Chances are, you stumbled upon my site by a Google search. I’ve decided to review things other than books on this site, which means you get even more value from more diverse material.
If you came looking for a book review, fear not- there are still plenty of those. And remember, one of my passions is reading and learning about health, so let’s get right into today’s post- it is all about neti pots.
What is a Neti Pot?
–> Browse Neti Pots Here <–
(Insert some joke about how that is the correct answer in Jeopardy…wait what?). Anyway, a neti pot is simple- it’s just a pot- usually ceramic or plastic, that you can use to irrigate your sinuses.
Uh, in English please.
It’s literally just a little pot, that you pour salt water (or any other natural mixture solution) into, to rinse out your nostrils and sinuses. Think of it like a tiny watering can for your nose 😉

Neti Pot: How to Use One
It’s very simple, I’ll break it down into steps here and embed a video for you.
What you need: Neti pot, salt water, sink
Step 1: Add your saline solution into neti pot.
Step 2: Bend over sink and look down into sink basin. Tilt head at approximately 45 degree angle.
Tip the pot towards your nostril that is closest to the ceiling and allow the water to flow through that nostril and out your other nostril, cleaning your sinuses, ridding you of allergens, and just washing out your system, making you feel awesome!
After a few seconds, or longer, it’s up to you, really- switch nostrils and tilt your head 45 degrees the other way, repeating the rinse.
After both nostrils are done, gently blow your nose to get rid of any excess water/solution/mucus. Congrats, you are on your way to respiratory health and feeling fresh!
Don’t Forget to Clean the Neti Pot After Each Use
This is very important! There is a risk of brain infection if not done every single time!
This sounds scary, but really, if you just maintain your cleaning habit after each rinse, you should be fine. I’ve been using my neti pot for a decade with no issues. What I do after each rinse is put a small drop of soap in the pot and rinse it out thoroughly, religiously, after each use. Occasionally, I’ll put it in the top rack of my dishwasher to give it a sanitize as well.
Quick tip: Before I use it, I usually pour our a small amount of the solution just to give it a quick extra rinse. Store your neti pot in a clean and dry space, as well.
How often should I use my neti pot?
I usually use mine once a day, in the morning or at night. I’ll also use it if I am out in a “dirty” area for a long time, like exposed to dirt roads, or after breathing gross city air. When I am sick, I may use it twice a day, but never more than twice a day. I would say it is great for prevention too- if you suspect your allergies are going to come on soon, or you feel a cold coming on, go ahead and make sure you use it prophylactically. Some studies show that it can lessen the symptoms of colds and viruses.
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, I am just sharing this with you as a personal story and preference. I love my neti pot and just wanted to share some tips with you, but don’t take anything I say as medical advice, please.
How to mix the solution
This one is easy too- just pour the solution into clean water, and shake it to mix it thoroughly. Then pour the mixed solution into the neti pot.
Important- do not use tap water! Some people use boiled water and then let it cool, that works. I just use bottled water and add 3 packets of this solution into 20 ounces of water. You can get the solution at amazon- affiliate link here.
How long have I had a neti pot for, and why?
I’ll never forget. One time in college I got a really bad cold. I went to the doctor and she said, “this is going to sound weird, but have you ever heard of a neti pot?”. I hadn’t. She recommended it to me, my cold went away, I felt amazing, and I’ve used one ever since. Some people just love and swear by neti pots. I am one of those people.
–> Browse Neti Pots Here <–
What are the Benefits?
Yeesh too many benefits to count. But basically, regular use helps prevent colds, allergies, and keeps you healthy and safe.
Neti Pot Resources and Links
There are tons of blog posts about the benefits of neti pots so I’ll link a few here if you want to learn more:
What I use and recommend
I actually got my ceramic neti pot in Korea, and I’ve been using it for a decade. I love it. So I won’t link to that neti pot specifically, but I do recommend a ceramic neti pot. Some people like plastic ones but I think the ceramic is safer and more effective. That’s just my opinion though, you can make your own choices and do your own research.
Some people also get fancy with different solutions but I just use this basic saline solution. I got a huge bundle from Costco but you can pick it up at any pharmacy, store, or Amazon. I’ve never really used anything different because I tried this solution once and it did the job so no reason to switch.
If you have any questions leave a comment below or contact me and I will help you out as best I can. Here’s to having healthy sinuses and lowering your allergy symptoms, and easing colds and respiratory viruses for life!
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